A new technology podcast from Edelman London.

One of the best things about being a technology specialist at Edelman is that every day there’s a new story, innovation or idea to talk about. What’s more, we love to share it with colleagues or clients or anyone we meet on our travels who is willing to listen and discuss. We’re passionate, and its why we do what we do.

Recently we decided to capture and share these corridor conversations, boardroom chats and kitchen banter with as many people as possible.

And so Sideload was born.

Sideload is a new technology podcast from Edelman London. It will explore how technology is changing three things: the way we communicate; our relationships with brands and each other; and society.

The meaning of ‘sideload’ is twofold. Where many take a vertical look at the technology sector in isolation, Sideload casts a broader, horizontal gaze at the wider implications tech has on industry and society. And true to the dictionary definition of the term, Sideload will transfer information to its audience, in a way that will continue the conversation.

In the first episode we speak about the role communicators play in the success or failure of technology. How do we balance trust and hype, and what is our responsibility here? For this we speak with Justin Westcott, Managing Director of London Tech, and Tim Weber, Senior Director of London Tech and former BBC Online business and technology editor.

In episode two we explore the Reuters Institute’s Digital News report with Edelman’s Executive Director of Media Strategy, Jo Sheldon, and James Mossman, Associate Director of London Digital. Now in its 6th year, the report is a fascinating study conducted this year in partnership between Reuters and Edelman. The 2017 report reveals the growth of messaging apps for sharing news, the emergence of voice activated assistants, and the ‘Trump bump’ in the US driving donations to news sites.

New episodes will be posted frequently, so please do subscribe via Soundcloud or iTunes, or wherever you get your favourite podcasts.

Listen to the podcast below:

Thanks for listening.

By Symon Madry, Jermaine Dallas and Rob Sinclair