This Women's History Month, we're sharing insights from some of the exceptional women at Edelman: their stories, opinions and vision for the path forward to a better, and more equitable future. 

This year’s IWD theme is about Embracing Equity and forging equity isn’t limited to women solely fighting for change, allies play an important role in change. Who have you identified as allies throughout your career?

It’s definitely a mix of people. Both male and female friends and colleagues who positively embrace change and openly champion and support women at work. From my male peers who are mentoring and nurturing future female talent to the women I get to work with who are using their voice and their network to show the world what women are made of. I am constantly in awe of those around me who are speaking out, advocating and challenging gender stereotypes.

In your opinion, how do our individual actions, conversations, behaviours and mindsets have an impact on our larger society?

Our actions or behaviours can create new or reinforce existing norms. Perhaps this is more pertinent now as we think about International Women's Day - what norms do we want to influence and how can we encourage and support others in this change? It is our individual and collective action which can inform and incite change and we should be conscious that we never truly understand the power of our influence on other people, or the impact of our words and actions. Acknowledging this is our superpower as women.

What do you believe will be the biggest challenge for the next generation of women?

I heard on the radio yesterday that according to a recent study, women starting work today at the age of 18 will not see pay equality in their lifetime. Which made me think that although we are making huge, positive strides in gender parity, there are still decades of work to be done. So, for me, the challenge is going to be keeping the momentum going. Keeping the conversation relevant and ensuring female voices continue to be heard. Women still face systemic barriers and discrimination in many aspects of life: sadly the next generation are going to be handed a fight - albeit one with its own nuances. The balance of work and family will continue to be a battle for the next generation of women…tomorrow's battles depend on today’s progress!

What’s the role for brands in driving equity and gender parity?

Get the tone right and don’t market to female stereotypes. Be inclusive but remember women aren’t one dimensional. Hire women who are leading the change and bring different perspectives to not only the C-Suite but throughout the organisation. And collaborate with women who have a positive influence in culture and are making an impact in society, paving the way for change. Ensure that the conversations that matter to your customers and audiences resonate through your internal and external comms.


Suzy Socker is Senior Director and Head of Operations in the London Brand team.